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XLoD Global Hot Take, Off-Channel Communications Are Here to Stay

Events like XLOD Global are especially important for companies at our stage of growth. Like speed-dating, you learn a little about a lot of things, quickly. That feedback loop informs our thinking and our actions.

And it is hard to match the energy of being out there, among industry experts, customers, partners and competitors soaking up so many ideas and exchanging points of view. There really is no substitute for the in-person experience.

XLoD Global has established itself as a crucial forum where senior leaders operating in the three lines of defence against non-financial risk convene, connect and communicate about the major challenges facing our industry.

We get to benchmark our performance, share insights, and explore the trends shaping the industry as financial institutions struggle to adapt to the rapidly-changing regulatory landscape.

XLoD Global helped us understand what leaders are thinking about in the evolving nature of risk management and regulatory control. John Bolton, the Former National Security Advisor to previous president Donald Trump shared his views on the landscape, before Torry Berntsen, Mary McNiff and Richard R. Best took the stage for a series of keynote speeches.

The topic of the moment was clearly the impact from off-channel communications in financial institutions. This year, regulatory bodies like the SEC have been zeroing-in on companies with ineffective strategies for recording and securing communications on channels like WhatsApp, SMS, and iMessage.

What has become clear is that the genie is out of the bottle on these apps, as employees continue to use the tools they feel comfortable with and believe make them most productive, whether it is communicating with colleagues or customers.

And this proliferation of personal text messaging and WhatsApp communication is only growing, causing compliance headaches for the compliance, risk and technology professionals tasked with making sure that rules and regulations are followed irrespective of the type of channel of communications.

We are grateful for the opportunity to help organizations discover new ways of boosting compliance and visibility in the modern workforce financial institutions are still struggling to migrate their teams into secure, fully monitored communication platforms.

For the team at Custodia, and our partners at Membit, the XLoD event acted as the perfect platform through which to showcase the abilities of our complementary technologies. We introduced attendees to the powerful tools they can use to capture WhatsApp, Microsoft Teams, instant messaging, SMS, WeChat, and Telegram messages, securely, and quickly.

Custodia was perfectly positioned to build on this theme as we introduce CC1 Messaging Service, our newest CC1 capability that helps financial services companies safely support the use of these off-channel conversational tools, simplifying compliance for personal communication channels that financial professionals rely on more and more to get things done.

The CC1 Messaging Service natively captures and integrates the data from these off-channel applications, which allows people the freedom to connect with customers through personal chat tools and texts while reducing the institutional risk for employers.

In a world where demand for complete corporate visibility and compliance is increasing, Membit and Custodia are working together to bridge the compliance gaps in the evolving communication strategies for the financial services industry.

With our newest CC1 capabilities, financial institutions will now have more opportunities than ever before to ensure compliance when employees use personal, native applications and devices in the workforce.

If you didn’t have a chance to meet with us at the XLoD event, please reach out to Custodia today to learn more about how CC1 can help you with your communications compliance challenges.

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